Greetings & Salutations.
I am thankful for your interest in my blog and my work.
I am currently seeking sponsors to blog for.
In order to ensure we both are on the same page,
I have some guidelines of my own if you request me to review or blog your item(s).
✧ Please give me 3 days to blog your creations. I pay attention to lots of details and setting the scene for pictures, editing and posting can take up to a full day. Just as your time is valuable, mine is also.
✧ Please only send me items that my current avatars can use.
✧ I blog things that suit my style or catch my eye. My style is always changing based on mood and other things. I love experimenting with new styles. If there is a theme you want for your review please notate that before sending the item(s).
✧ I will post a main picture to Flickr, additional images will be on my blog only.
✧ I will 'spam' my Facebook with the post via the group feature
✧ You can drop a folder or package with item(s) & information if you wish to, but please understand and don't get offended that I may not blog every item you send.
✧ I will NOT blog or review any item(s) that violate TOS, indicate extreme violence or material that is otherwise widely offensive.
✧ Group space is limited so please understand that I will only join ONE group per event/store.
✧ If you are serious about having me blog your creations, please message me via my contact page or via in-world IM or Notecard. If you do not get a response within 48 hours, please reach out again.
✧ If you sent an item(s) that was not blogged within seven (7) calendar days; please contact me regarding it in a polite & professional manner. It pains me to say this; please do not hate mail, threaten or belittle me in any way. Polite professional relationships are what I am working for. If we communicate we can fix whatever the issue may be.
✧I will try to stay in ACTIVE blogger groups as long as there is active releases. This means if there hasn't been a new release in some time, I may leave to pursue other offers.
✧ I will try to keep a schedule of a minimum of 1 post a week.
✧ Please do not add me to a mailing list or subscriber without speaking to me. This ensures that both of us are aware of item(s) being sent and prevents hurt feelings.
✧ I currently only blog, but am looking into unboxing vlogs in the near future for monthly surprise boxes such as : powder pack, luxe box, royal box, etc.
✧ I will accept fashion creations, home decor, and events items.
Thank you for understanding.
My blogging avatars for fashion are as follows.
Sugabella Resident - Toodledoo BABY- Female
Hunnidaniels Resident - Maitreya Lara- Female
MickeyNolen Resident - Signature Gianni - Male